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  • Writer's pictureEllen Young

This Week's Athletic Schedule

This Tuesday, all of the boy's basketball teams will be playing against Ithaca at home starting with the freshman boy's team at 4:30. The girl's basketball teams will be playing at Ithaca on Tuesday starting with the JV game at 6:00. Varsity wrestling will have a meet on Wednesday at 5:00 and on Saturday at 9:00 AM. On Thursday, all freshman and JV basketball teams have games against Millington at home starting with the freshman boys at 4:30. The boy's and girl's varsity basketball teams will play against Millington at home on Friday starting with the girls at 6:00 and the boys at 7:30. Bowling will be playing at 10:00 AM on Saturday. The varsity pom team has their MPA competition on Sunday starting at 8:30 AM at SVSU. Go chargers!

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