This week is Holy Week. On Tuesday, freshmen and sophomores are taking the PSAT. It begins at 8:00. You will need to bring two number two pencils and a calculator. It will end aout 11:45 for freshmen and at 12:00 for sophomores. Juniors will be taking the SAT which will end at about 1:00. They will be doing more testing on Wednesday and Thursday. Seniors do not need to come to school on Tuesday. On Tuesday and Wednesday night, Quiz Bowl will be competing at Heritage's Vassar Theater. On Tuesday, they begin at 7:30 and on Wednesday They begin at 6:30. This Thursday is Maundy Thursday. We will have no school on Friday because it is Good Friday. Mr. Winnigham has chapel on Monday and Thursday. Mr. Streeter has chapel on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, Mr. Vincent has chapel. Have a great Holy Week.
This Week's Events
Abigail Burhop